(A)   Such Board of Commissioners shall make rules and appointments and removals except those herein reserved to the Mayor and the City Council, and shall have such other and further powers as are contained in Art. 1, Div. 2.1, of the Illinois Municipal Code (ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, §§ 2-1-1 et seq.), as amended. Any request for changes in Board rules outside of state statutes requires Council approval.
   (B)   The City of O'Fallon, as a home rule community, has enacted the following rules to be included in the Board Rules.
      (1)   The Board of Fire and Police Commissioners chooses to alter the original appointment process for police officers and create rules which do not align with the following state statutes: ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, §§ 10-2.l-6(a) (Examination of applicants; Disqualifications); 10-2.1-8 (Veteran's and educational preference); 10-2.1-9 (Original appointments; Preferences; Limitation); 10-2.1-13 (Notice of Examination); 10-2.1-14 (Register of Eligibles).
(1999 Code, § 32.05) (Ord. 3784, passed 12-3-2012; Ord. 4022, passed 12-4-2017; Ord. 4085, passed 3-4-2019; Ord. 4234, passed 9-6- 22)