(A)   The Board shall make rules for the appointment and promotion of all full-time police and fire officers, with the exception of the Police Chief and Fire Chief. These rules of the Board shall apply only to the conduct of examinations for original appointments of candidates and for promotions.
   (B)   No such rule shall be made by the Board to govern the operation of the Police Department or the conduct of its members.
   (C)   On May 1, the Board shall submit to the Council an annual report of its activities and of the rules in force and the practical effect thereof. In this report, the Board may make suggestions it believes would result in greater efficiency in the Fire and Police Departments.
(1999 Code, § 32.04) (Ord. 1017, passed 7-6-1982; Ord. 3784, passed 12-3-2012; Ord. 4022, passed 12-4-2017; Ord. 4234, passed 9-6- 2022)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 10-2.1-5