(A)   Enforcement Officer duties. The Director and his or her designee are authorized to administer and enforce the provisions of this subchapter.
   (B)   Sign permits. Unless subject to an exception set forth in this subchapter, no sign shall be erected, constructed, posted, altered, enlarged or relocated until a sign permit has been issued by the Director.
      (1)   Before any zoning authorization is issued, an application shall be filed, together with drawings and specifications as may be necessary to fully advise and acquaint the Director with the location, construction, materials, manner of illuminating and securing or fastening of, and the wording or delineation to be carried on, any sign. All signs that are to be illuminated by one or more sources of artificial light shall require a separate electrical permit and/or inspection unless work is performed as part of a current, permitted building project.
      (2)   No sign shall be approved for use unless it has been inspected by the Director and is found to be in compliance with all the requirements of this subchapter and applicable technical or building codes. Upon receipt of a fully completed application and determination by the Director that the sign complies with all applicable requirements, the Director shall issue a sign permit, subject to compliance with the requirements herein. If the decision has not been issued within 14 days of the filing of the application, the application shall be deemed denied.
   (C)   Application. Every applicant for a sign permit shall submit to the Director, in narrative and/or graphic form, all the items of information listed below:
      (1)   Name, address and telephone number of applicant;
      (2)   Name and address of the owner of the zoning lot(s) on which the sign is to be erected, if different from that of the applicant;
      (3)   If applicant is different from owner, provide written authorization of the proposed signage by the owner;
      (4)   Parcel ID of the subject property;
      (5)   Location of the building, structure or lot where the proposed sign is to be erected, and the zoning district classification of the zoning lot;
      (6)   Description of the proposed sign indicating proposed location, dimensions, area, overall height, illumination and method of support/ attachment;
      (7)   Stamped structural drawings of the footing/structure for freestanding signs of ten feet in height or over or as otherwise required by the current adopted Building Code;
      (8)   Location of the proposed sign in relation to nearby traffic-control devices;
      (9)   Amount of street frontage that the establishment that proposes to display the sign has, and the total area of all existing signs on the zoning lot; and
      (10)   Such other information as the Director shall reasonably require to determine compliance of the application and the sign with this subchapter.
(Ord. 623, passed 9-8-1970; Ord. 3786, passed 12-17-2012)