(A)   The following ensures that the environment desired by the community is created efficiently.
   (B)   These guidelines will prevent costs to the developer for removal, replacement or relocation of trees and prevent costs to the homeowner or city for future maintenance or repair of avoidable damages.
      (1)   Detailed landscape plans shall be submitted with the final plat or final construction plans. The landscape plan shall be one consolidated sheet showing the locations of street trees, utilities, manholes, fire hydrants, light posts and the like. During the plat design process, landscape and utility plans should be coordinated. Approval will be made during the final plat review for the location and type of street trees. Note: tree/utility separations shall not be used as a means of avoiding the planting of required street trees.
      (2)   At the time of final plat or plan approval, the developer is required to provide a bond or letter of credit (LOC) to the city for any and all street trees installed within the subdivision. The bond or LOC will last the duration of two years from the date the sidewalks and trees are accepted by the city.
      (3)   Planting time, in general, is from October to December and March to May.
      (4)   Immediately prior to planting, the developer will mark all street tree locations on site, also identifying the species of tree.
      (5)   The city will inspect the locations and species variation on site to affirm adherence to the approved street tree plan in addition to approving any alterations or departures from the original tree plan. The city will also inspect all trees prior to planting to ensure acceptable tree quality and size according to the American Standard for Nursery Stock, published by the American Association for Nurserymen.
      (6)   Each street tree will be centered in the parkway (e.g., three feet, six inches from curb in a seven- foot parkway), unless the parkway is used as a vegetated drainage swale. If a swale is indicated, the species and location will be determined by the city.
      (7)   Each tree will be installed with a root barrier to prevent excessive root growth into neighboring utilities or roadways/sidewalks. The following diagrams are two models of acceptable root barrier methods. Examples are taken from www.DeepRoot.com.
Surround Root Barrier
Linear Root Barrier
      (8)   Trunk protectors will be installed around the trunk flares or bases of all trees to avoid damage from weed eaters, lawnmowers and the like.
      (9)   Trees will be planted with the following minimum sizes (measured at four-foot height):
Type of Tree
Minimum Size
Canopy shade tree
2" caliper, balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree
6' in height, balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree
1.5" caliper, balled and burlapped
      (10)   The city will perform a post-planting inspection for proper tree installation according to American Standard for Nursery Stock.
      (11)   Following tree and sidewalk acceptance by the city, the city will be responsible for the maintenance of the tree. The homeowner will be responsible for the area around and beneath the canopy including collection and disposal of leaves, twigs, branches and other tree litter.
(Ord. 3319, passed 2-22-2005)