(A)   Generally.
      (1)   The land dedication required herein shall be six acres per 1,000 new residents, derived from the following calculation:
Types of Park/Recreation Area
Minimum Size of Park (Range)
Minimum Acres Per 1000 People
Service Area Radius
Maximum Street/Trail Distance from Any Proposed Dwelling
1 acre
0.25 mile radius
1,000 feet
Neighborhood Park
3.0 - 10.0 acres
0.5 mile radius
2,500 feet
Community-Wide Recreation Park
30 - 50 acres
3.0 mile radius
Within jurisdictional area
TOTAL: 6 acres of land per 1,000 people
      (2)   Dedicated land shall not be limited to the specific formulas described above, but the dedications shall comply with the additional size, location, design and other requirements in this subchapter.
   (B)   Density formula. The following table of population density is generally indicative of current and short-range projected trends in family size for new construction and shall be used in calculating the amount of required dedication of acres of land or the cash contributions in lieu thereof attributable to each development:
Density Formula for Estimated Ultimate Population per Dwelling Unit
Type of Unit
Total Persons Per Unit
Detached single-family
Attached sf/duplexes
Mobile homes
*Calculations are based on information provided for O’Fallon City, IL by the U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 (www.census.gov). Data was taken from table H33. TOTAL POPULATION IN OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY TENURE BY UNITS IN STRUCTURE and divided by H32. TENURE BY UNITS IN STRUCTURE. Ex. Detached single-family data give 16,514 residents (H33) living in 4,962 detached units (H32). 16,514 people/4,692 units = 2.83.
   (C)   Certain area required. No park dedication shall be less than three contiguous acres unless otherwise approved by Council.
   (D)   General requirements for land contributions. Unless otherwise waived, real property to be dedicated to the city shall conform to the following criteria. The city reserves the right to reject at will any parcel offered for dedication.
      (1)   Location. The location of any dedicated land shall only be as approved by the city, consistent with the following guidelines:
         (a)   Locations shall generally conform with the city’s Park Master Plan, the general location of park sites;
         (b)   Neighborhood park sites should be accessible to the public and designed to serve a population within one-half to one mile radius from the site;
         (c)   Park sites should be located in conjunction with and adjacent to school sites whenever possible and desirable; and
         (d)   Community parks are intended to serve a broader area and should be located and designed to offer a greater variety of facilities and activities. These parks should typically be located on arterial or collector streets.
      (2)   Topography and soils. Park sites must possess suitable topography and soil types for the use to which they are dedicated. The developer shall supply the city with soils information in sufficient detail to determine suitability for dedication. The developer shall also provide the city with a Phase I environmental study and any hazardous materials found on the site shall be removed by the developer prior to conveyance.
      (3)   Storm water and surface water detention or retention areas. Storm water and surface water detention and retention areas will be accepted at the discretion of the city and not count towards the total land dedication.
      (4)   Wetlands and other natural areas. Wetland and other natural areas will be considered acceptable only when they are considered significant in size, quality and uniqueness, contain endangered plants or animal species, or are adjacent to existing natural areas currently owned by the city. Wetland areas will be accepted at the discretion of the City Council. Any such wetland area accepted by the city shall not count towards the total land dedication required herein; provided that, exceptional wetland designs or accompanying amenities may be given partial or full credit toward the greenspace requirements at the discretion of the Council.
      (5)   Private open space and recreation land. Credit may be granted at the discretion of the Council towards the total land/cash contribution for suitable private open space or recreation land and/or recreational improvements thereon or on public space provided within the subdivision; provided that:
         (a)   Such total credit shall not exceed 50% of the land/cash contribution obligation;
         (b)   Any credit for improvements shall not exceed 10% of the land/cash contribution; and
         (c)   All credited private lands and improvements shall otherwise comply with the requirements of this subchapter.
      (6)   Dimensions. Sites should be generally square to rectangular in shape with dimensions generally proportionate to the ratio of a depth of between one to one and three to two (1:1 and 3:2). These criteria shall not apply to sites contemplated for extraordinary types of facilities such as, but not limited to, trails and shore line frontages.
      (7)   Street frontage. Park space shall have a minimum street frontage of 50 feet, and should generally be centrally located within a development.
      (8)   Access. Access to park sites and connections to other park sites are to be provided by way of open access ways between homes and/or from public right-of-way. The access ways should be a minimum of 50 feet.
      (9)   Drainage. Except for storm water and surface water drainage facilities servicing the park facilities constructed on the site, detention or retention basins for storm water drainage from the surrounding development will not be located on or adjacent to park sites unless approved by the city.
      (10)   Networks. Open space shall be laid out in general accordance with the open space, greenway and riparian networks as depicted in the Comprehensive Plan.
      (11)   Certain open space. Long, narrow strips of open space are discouraged, except where designated to protect linear sources such as streets or trails or to provide connections between larger open space areas.
   (E)   Improvements required for land dedication. Park sites to be dedicated by developer shall include the following land improvements.
      (1)   Utilities. Each dedicated park site shall be provided with the following utilities to the property line:
         (a)   Sanitary sewer adjacent to the site shall be a minimum of eight inches in diameter. If the sanitary sewer is across the right-of way from the park site, the developer shall provide a capped six-inch minimum diameter service line to the property line, accessible by a manhole where necessary, and as approved by the city.
         (b)   Water line adjacent to the site shall be a minimum of six inches in diameter. If the water line is across the right-of-way from the park site, the developer shall provide a capped one-inch minimum diameter water line to the property line, as approved by the city, and unless otherwise requested for a special facility.
         (c)   Storm sewers shall be provided at appropriate locations to properly drain the park site, as approved by the city.
         (d)   Other utilities, such as electric, gas and telephone shall be provided adjacent to or at the property line of the park site. The utility extension for any development adjacent to the park site shall be at the cost of the developer and the city shall be responsible solely for utility extensions necessary to construct a park facility. The city shall not be responsible for utility extensions for any other purpose.
      (2)   Grading. Except for natural areas designated by the city for retention in a non-disturbed state, each dedicated park site shall be graded to drain at a minimum of 2% for open areas and slopes on berms, when berms are required, shall not exceed 4:1 (3:1 or steeper shall be deemed unacceptable). Grading shall include, but not limited to: berms for separation, screening or aesthetics; placement of six inches of topsoil and fine grading. Grading and berming shall be in accordance with plans approved by the city.
      (3)   Other site developments. The developer shall be required to provide other site developments for the land to be dedicated for park purposes, which site developments shall include, but not limited to, the following.
         (a)   Seed entire park site with a blend approved by the city. Seeding shall include placement, watering as necessary and mowing until such time as a full stand of turf is established and accepted by the city, but not less than one full growing season.
         (b)   The developer may, at the discretion of the Council, make the following cash contribution in lieu of the required improvements to park land: the sum of $51,000 per acre or proportional amount thereof for fractional portions of an acre; or such other amount as established by the Council pursuant to § 154.079 of this chapter.
         (c)   The developer shall install all public walks, curbs, pavement, sewers and utilities along all park site frontages as per city subdivision regulations.
         (d)   The developer shall install curb cuts and aprons, if necessary, for maintenance access areas, when parking is not required, as per city specifications.
         (e)   At such time as the developer applies for development permits, a bond or irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of 100% of the value of all park improvements shall be delivered to the city and inure to the benefit of the city.
         (f)   Unless otherwise agreed, the above-listed park improvements shall be completed at such time as the residential development reaches 50% completion or at such time as 50% of the residential building permits for the development have been issued, whichever occurs earlier.
         (g)   The storage of overburden on a park site and the use of the park site as a borrow pit is prohibited, though temporary storage shall be granted in some cases. Terms of such temporary storage shall be determined by the city. No foreign material shall be added to the park site, except as approved by the city.
         (h)   The developer will supply the city with a complete survey of the site and as-built drawings, showing engineering and utilities. The developer shall mark the corners of the property with permanent monuments.
(Ord. 3319, passed 2-22-2005)