(A)   The sewer expansion and extension fee is hereby established to reimburse the city for its costs in extending sewer lines to serve new and additional users and to increase its capacity to transport and treat sewage. The city may provide, at its own initial expense, for the increase in size of its sewage treatment plant and the extension and expansion of its sewer mains to certain areas within the city. In so doing, the city seeks to provide a material benefit to the property owners abutting such improvements and to encourage the development of such property. To reimburse the city for the funds so expended, the city hereby has created a sewer expansion and extension fee. Such fee shall be based upon the pro rata share of the cost of said construction and extension which cost was required to provide the sewer services being made available to the new or additional user. The sewer expansion and extension fee shall be based upon all costs including, but not limited to, engineering fees, supervision, legal fees, land costs and construction. For currently existing residences, a benefitted property owner may, by so indicating in writing to the City Engineer, cause the sewer expansion and extension fee to be billed to him or her over a three- year period at an interest rate based on the city’s ability to borrow money at that time, plus 0.5%, as an addition to the regular sewer charge bill amortized in such a way that he or she shall make 36 equal payments. In the absence of such written notification, the sewer expansion and extension fee is due and payable by the property owner of presently existing residences prior to the time of the connection of the individual premises to the city’s sewer main.
   (B)   The expansion and extension fee will normally be based on the portion of land occupied by the new or additional user (in developable acres only) divided by the total land area that could be reasonably serviced by the expansion and extension (in developable acres only) multiplied by the total cost of the expansion and extension as described above as approved by the Council. However, the City Engineer may propose an alternate expansion and extension fee if appropriate and reasonable. Such alternate expansion and extension fee as it pertains to each new or additional user shall be approved by the Council.
(1999 Code, § 51.078) (Ord. 816, passed 8-15-1977; Ord. 818, passed 9-1-1977; Ord. 3664, passed 4-19-2010; Ord. 3709, passed 4-18-2011)