The Commission shall perform the following duties:
(A) Draft, conduct hearings, and recommend a Zoning Ordinance, and subsequent amendments thereto, to the Town Council.
(B) Assist the Town Council in the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan as provided in VA Code Title 15.2, which, with accompanying maps, plats, charts and descriptive matter, shall show the Commission's recommendations for the development of the territory covered by the Plan. In the preparation of such Plan, the Commission shall make careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of existing conditions and trends of growth, and of the probable future requirements of its territory and inhabitants. The Plan shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the town and its environs that will, in accordance with present and probable future needs and resources, best promote the health, safety, morals, order, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants, as well as efficiency and economy in the process of development. The Plan shall be reviewed regularly, and necessary updates made as required.
(C) Promote public interest in and an understanding of the Comprehensive Plan, and to that end may publish and distribute copies of the plan or of any report and may employ such other means of publicity as it may determine, within its budget.
(D) Make recommendations and prepare an Annual Report to the Town Council concerning the operation of the Commission and the status of planning within its jurisdiction. A draft version of the document will be prepared for the December Town Council meeting, with a final report due before the Town Council budget work sessions at a joint meeting with the Town Council to be set by the Town Council.
(E) Review and take action or recommend appropriate actions to the Town Council on site plans, and special land use permits.
(F) Review and take action on subdivisions proposals.
(G) Review and comment to the Town Council on all proposed zoning changes.
(H) Prepare, publish, and distribute special studies and plans, as deemed necessary by the Commission or Town Council and for which appropriations of funds have been approved by the Town Council, as needed.
(I) Attend training sessions, conferences, or meetings as needed to properly fulfill the duties of a member of the Commission (hereinafter "commissioner"), and for which appropriations of funds have been approved by the Town Council, as needed.
(J) Perform other duties and responsibilities as may be requested by the Town Council.
(K) Conduct such site visits as deemed necessary to evaluate the application and supporting material. Site visits shall be conducted individually unless otherwise scheduled by the Commission, obeying all requirements of the Code of Virginia.
(L) Keep a complete record of the Commission's proceedings.
(M) Supervise the Commission's fiscal affairs and responsibilities, under rules and regulations as prescribed by the Town Council.
(N) Prepare and submit an annual budget in the manner prescribed by the Town Council.
(O) Perform the duties provided in VA Code § 15.2-2221.
(1998 Code, § 2-248) (Ord. O-2018-01, passed 5-2-2018; Ord. O-2023-15, passed 9-19-2023)