§ 33.04 MEETINGS.
   (A)   Regular meetings. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held monthly in the Town Hall on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The dates and times shall be posted at the Town Hall and a notice should be published in accordance with the Code of Virginia. Any changes in the date or time of the regular meetings shall be posted and noticed in the same manner as originally established. When a regular meeting date falls on or near a legal holiday, the Commission shall select suitable alternate dates in the same month, in accordance with the Code of Virginia.
   (B)   Meeting notices. All meetings shall be posted at the Town Hall according to the Code of Virginia. The notice shall include the date, time and place of the meeting.
   (C)   Special meetings. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by the Chairperson or by two members upon written request to the Chairperson. The business which the Commission may perform shall be conducted at a public meeting of the Commission held in compliance with the Code of Virginia. Public notice of the time, date, and place of the special meeting shall be given in a manner as required by the Code of Virginia. In accordance with the VA Code § 15.2-2214, the staff liaison shall notify all Commissioners, in writing, at least five days in advance of a special meeting, of the time and place of the meeting and the purpose thereof. Written notice of a special meeting is not required if the time of the special meeting has been fixed at a regular meeting, or if all members are present at the special meeting or file a written waiver of notice.
   (D)   Open meetings. In accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, all meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public and held in a place accessible to the general public. All deliberations and decisions of the Commission shall be made at a meeting open to the public. A person shall be permitted to address a hearing of the Commission in accordance with the meeting's written agenda. A person shall not be excluded from a meeting of the Commission except in accordance with the law.
   (E)   Public record. All meetings, minutes, records, documents, correspondence, and other materials of the Commission shall be open to public inspection in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, except as may otherwise be provided by law.
   (F)   Quorum. In order for the Commission to conduct business or take any official action, a quorum consisting of the majority of the voting members of the Commission shall be present. When a quorum is not present, members of the Commission may discuss matters of interest, but can take no action until a quorum of the Commission is established. All public hearings without a quorum shall be rescheduled for the next regular or special meeting, and notice thereof shall be provided in accordance with the Code of Virginia. The Commission, by resolution adopted at a regular meeting, may also fix the day or days to which any meeting shall be continued if the Chairperson, or Vice Chairperson if the Chairperson is unable to act, finds and declares that weather or other conditions are such that it is hazardous for member to attend the meeting. Such finding shall be communicated to the members and the press as promptly as possible. All hearings and other matters previously advertised for such meeting shall be conducted at the continued meeting and no further advertisement is required. The Commission shall cause a copy of such resolution to be inserted in a newspaper having general circulation in the locality at least seven days prior to the first meeting held pursuant to the adopted schedule.
   (G)   Voting. By law, no action of the local Planning Commission shall be valid unless authorized by a majority vote of those present and voting in the presence of a quorum. Voting shall ordinarily be voice vote; provided, however, that a roll call vote shall be required if requested by any Commission member or directed by the Chairperson. Any member abstaining from a vote shall not participate in the discussion of that item.
   (H)   Agenda.
      (1)   A written agenda for all regular meetings shall be prepared as follows:
         (a)   Call to order.
         (b)   Roll call.
         (c)   Approval of agenda.
         (d)   Approval of minutes.
         (e)   Public comments and communications concerning items not on the agenda.
         (f)   Scheduled public hearings.
         (g)   Unfinished business.
         (h)   New business.
         (i)   Administrative items.
         (j)   Adjournment.
      (2)   Any Commissioner may request that an item be placed on the regular meeting agenda for discussion provided such request is made not less than one week prior to the next regular meeting and provided that such request is approved by the chairperson. The Commission may, by majority vote or unanimous consent, amend or adjust the order of any agenda at any point during the meeting.
   (I)   Rules of order. Except as otherwise provided by law or these bylaws, meetings of the Commission will be governed by the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
   (J)   Public hearings. Hearings shall be scheduled and due notice given in accordance with the Code of Virginia. Public hearings conducted by the Commission shall be run in an orderly and timely fashion. This shall be accomplished by the establishing hearing procedures.
      (1)   Open public hearing.
      (2)   Read Chairman's statement.
      (3)   Applicant presentation and staff presentation (order shall be determined by the Commission at the meeting).
      (4)   Public testimony/comments.
      (5)   Applicant rebuttal.
      (6)   Planning Commission questions.
      (7)   Close public hearing.
      (8)   Planning Commission discussion.
      (9)   Planning Commission action.
      (10)   Advise public of next step in the process.
   (K)   Notice of decision. A written notice containing the decision of the Commission will be sent.
(1998 Code, § 2-244) (Ord. O-2004-12, passed 4-13-2004; Ord. O-2018-01, passed 5-2-2018; Ord. O-2023-15, passed 9-19-2023)