In addition to the information required by §§ 155.022 and 155.023, the final site plan shall show, when proposed, the location, dimensions, size, and height of the following:
   (A)   Sidewalks, streets, alleys, and easements;
   (B)   Buildings and structures, to include: distance between buildings; number of stories; area in square feet of each floor; number of dwelling units or guestrooms; and structures above the building height limit;
   (C)   Driveways, entrances, exits, parking areas, and loading spaces, to include number of parking spaces and number of loading spaces;
   (D)   Sanitary sewer systems;
   (E)   Water mains and fire hydrants;
   (F)   Gas, power, and telephone lines;
   (G)   Slopes, terraces, retaining walls, fencing, and screening;
   (H)   Recreation areas and open green spaces;
   (I)   Plans for collecting and depositing stormwater, in accordance with the requirements of the drainage section of the public watercourses, including a delineation of proposed development; and
   (J)   Finished grading, with a maximum of two-foot contour intervals, within 100 feet of all buildings, and a maximum of ten-foot contour intervals on the remainder of the property.
(1998 Code, § 46-45)