(A) Except as provided in § 107.1 of the State Uniform Statewide Building Code, being 13 VAC 5-63, written application shall be made to the Building/Code Official when a construction permit is required.
(B) A permit shall be issued by the Building/Code Official before any of the following actions subject to the State Uniform Statewide Building Code, being 13 VAC 5-63 may be commenced:
(1) Constructing, enlarging, altering, repairing, or demolishing a building or structure;
(2) Changing the use of a building either within the same use group or to a different use group when the new use requires greater degrees of structural strength, fire protection, exit facilities, ventilation, or sanitary provisions;
(3) Installing or altering any equipment which is regulated by the Building Code; and
(4) Removing or disturbing any asbestos-containing materials during demolition, alteration, renovation of, or additions to buildings or structures.
(1998 Code, § 10-6) Penalty, see § 150.99