(A)   The license fee shall be established annually by the Town Council for the ensuing license year during its budget adoption process, the amount not to exceed the license fee of the state on the vehicle.
   (B)   Transfer of license by an owner to a replacement vehicle shall be permitted upon payment of a fee of $5.
   (C)   If any motor vehicle decal issued under the provisions of this chapter is lost or mutilated or becomes illegible, the owner shall make immediate application for and obtain a duplicate or substitute decal, upon furnishing information of such fact satisfactory to the Treasurer and upon payment of $5. A person, having once applied for and received a duplicate or substitute motor vehicle decal, shall not be entitled to apply again for and receive a duplicate decal during the license year for which the original motor vehicle decal was issued.
(1998 Code, § 62-40) (Ord. O-2005-05, passed 6-14-2005) Penalty, see § 71.99