(a)   No person being the owner or having charge of cattle, sheep, geese, ducks, turkeys, chickens or other fowl or animals, domestic or exotic, shall permit them to run at large upon any public place, or upon any unenclosed lands, or upon the premises of another.
   (b)   No person being the owner of or having charge of any dog or cat, whether wearing registration tag or not, shall permit it to run at large upon any public place or upon the premises of another.
   (c)   All domestic and or exotic animals, while upon any unenclosed or public lands shall be secured on a leash not more than six feet in length and shall be under the immediate control of such person.
   (d)   All persons owning or having domestic and or exotic animals under their control shall clean up any solid body wastes secreted by their pets upon the public lands or premises of another and shall carry a device for the removal of said solid waste.
   (e)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(Ord. 25-01. Passed 4-16-01.)