(a)   The owners or occupants of any residence or place of business may evidence a determination to refuse to receive any uninvited peddlers or solicitors by displaying a weatherproof card, decal or sign not less than three inches by four inches in size nor more than one square foot in total surface area upon or near the main entrance door to the residence or place of business, containing the words “No Peddlers or Solicitors Invited” with letters at least one-third inch in height.
   (b)   No person shall go upon any premises and ring the door bell, rap or knock upon any door, or create any sound in any other manner calculated to attract the attention of any occupant of such residence or place of business for the purpose of securing an audience with the occupants thereof and engage in peddling or solicitation in defiance of a notice displayed pursuant to the section.
(Ord. 36-08. Passed 9-22-08.)