(a)   The Registration and License, required by Section 709.02, shall not apply to: the local delivery of newspapers and solicitation of subscriptions for the same, to the sale and delivery of products sponsored by the various associations of the public and parochial school system and solicited by students of the same, to minors (children under the age of 18) offering services such as snow shoveling or mowing lawns, to solicitations and deliveries sponsored and sustained by the Community Association of the Municipality, or to the sale of services or products exclusively to commercial or industrial enterprises located within the boundaries of the Municipality.
   (b)   The Registration and License, required by Section 709.02 shall not apply to those acting as a canvasser, as defined by Section 709.01, in order to disseminate ideas, thoughts, or messages regarding any cause, issue, religion, or political candidate as long as such canvassing does not include the violation of any local, state or federal law.
   (c)   The License, required by Section 709.02, shall not be required of any individual who, without compensation, acts as a peddler or solicitor on behalf of and for any recognized religious or charitable not for profit organization. However, subject to this Chapter, no individual shall act as solicitor or peddler on behalf of or for such organization without first having registered with the Police Chief, or his or her designee.
(Ord. 04-11. Passed 1-10-11.)