1175.15 APPEALS. 
   (a)   The decision of the Zoning Inspector regarding issuance of a Sign Permit, notice to repair, or determination of abandonment may be appealed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. A written appeal shall be filed within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notification from the Zoning Inspector regarding the Sign Permit, notice to repair, or determination of abandonment. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have a maximum of sixty (60) days for a public hearing, deliberation, and a decision on the appeal unless the decision is tabled at the applicant’s request. Denial of the appeal by the Planning and Zoning Commission may be appealed to Council or the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas as provided under the Ohio Revised Code.
   (b)   If appealing to Council, the appeal shall be filed in writing with the Council Clerk no later than fifteen (15) days after the decision of the Commission. Council shall have a maximum of ninety (90) days from receipt of an appeal for a public hearing, deliberation, and a decision on the appeal. Recourse from the decision of Council shall be the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas as provided under the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 24-08. Passed 6-9-08.)