955.10 ANIMALS.
   (a)   No person in the confines of the park shall hunt, pursue with dogs, trap, molest, harm harass, injure or disturb wild animals or take wild birds or animals, or therein rob or molest any bird nest or take the eggs of any bird found in the confines of the park.
   (b)   Special exceptions to trapping of wild animals may be permitted for the purposes of scientific research, if approved guidelines are followed; including use of humane live trapping methods and release of the animals, and the trapping is authorized by written permit of the Director.
   (c)   Trapping and removal of non-native or nuisance animals to preserve native wildlife, habitats or the safety of park visitors may be accomplished by park personnel.
   (d)   No person in a park shall fish in park waters in violation of any sign or signs prohibiting fishing.
   (e)   No person in a park shall hunt fish with a crossbow.
   (f)   No person in a park shall have in his/her possession or shoot a crossbow or firearm except a peace officer or persons authorized by the Division of Police of Obetz.
   (g)   No person in a park shall ride a horse, mule, donkey, cattle, or other animal, in the park without the specific written permission of the Director.
   (h)   No person shall bring into, have, or keep in the park, any animal destructive of wildlife, nor shall any person bring into or permit within the park a domestic dog unless such is under constant control and supervision and held on a leash no longer than six feet in length.
   (i)   No person shall fail to remove feces of animals they own or brought to the park, which have defecated in a park or recreational facility.
   (j)   This section does not assure admittance of park visitors with their pets to such locations and at such times as may conflict with the Board of Health requirements or preservation of public safety and order within the park.
   (k)   No person being the owner or having charge of a dog, cat or other animal shall permit the dog, cat or other animal to be present in areas designated or posted as play areas or playgrounds within a park or recreational facility.
   (l)   The Village of Obetz shall have the right to impound or destroy a feral or diseased animal.
(Ord. 12-05. Passed 9-12-05.)