(a)    Architectural Design Plan Required. The Architectural Design Plan ("ADP") is a conceptual master plan intended to accomplish the goals of the Southside Area Plan and promote high levels of commercial design quality.
   (b)    Submittal Timing. Review and approval of an ADP by the Planning Commission shall be required concurrent with or prior to final site development plan approval.
   (c)    Review Criteria. The Planning Commission shall review an ADP and shall take final action to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the ADP based on its compliance with the following criteria:
      (1)    The ADP is consistent with the Southside Area Plan and with all other duly adopted plans and policies;
      (2)    The ADP complies with all applicable zoning district and development regulations; and
      (3)    The ADP complies with these Commercial Design Standards.
   (d)    Submittal Requirements. Each ADP shall contain the following elements:
      (1)    Building architectural details that comply with these Commercial Design Standards.
      (2)    Landscaping and lighting plan that complies with these Commercial Design Standards and other applicable Village standards.
   (f)    Staff Review for Compliance.
      (1)    The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall be responsible for reviewing all ADP's for compliance with these Commercial Design Standards. In the staff report compiled for the Planning Commission, the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall include a written finding regarding the application's compliance or non-compliance with these Commercial Design Standards.
      (2)    The documents shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Administrator not less than thirty-five (35) days prior to the Planning Commission meeting.
         (Ord. 65-03. Passed 9-2-03.)