Primary facades must meet the primary facade standards outlined in this section.
   (a)    Buildings located mid-block shall be oriented to face the public right-of-way, unless it can be shown that there are compelling site conditions that necessitate a different orientation. If site conditions necessitate that the building not face the public right- of way, then the building is considered to have two primary facades; the facade that faces the public right-of-way and the facade that incorporates the customer service entrance.
   (b)    Commercial buildings on corner lots shall be oriented to face a public right-of way, unless it can be shown that there are compelling site conditions that necessitate a different orientation. If site conditions necessitate that the building not face the public right-of way, then the building is considered to have three primary facades; the two facades that face the public right-of-way and the facade that incorporates the customer service entrance.
   (c)    All primary facades of a building shall be designed with consistent architectural style, detail, trim features, and roof treatments.
   (d)    For parcels of one half (½) acre or larger, building perimeter landscaping shall be planted adjacent to and along the full length of the primary facade. The landscaped area shall be a minimum eight (8) feet wide and shall include shrubs and groundcover with one shade tree for each twenty five (25) feet or fraction thereof of the lineal building facade, or one understory tree for each fifteen (15) feet or fraction thereof of the lineal building facade.
   (e)    Primary facades shall have at least four (4) of the following:
      (1)    A primary customer entrance.
      (2)    For parcels less than one half (½) acre, perimeter landscaping planted adjacent to and along the full length of the primary facade. The landscaped area shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide and shall include shrubs and groundcover with one shade tree for each twenty five (25) feet or fraction thereof of the lineal building facade, or one understory tree for each fifteen (15) feet or fraction thereof of the lineal building facade.
      (3)    Arcades or colonnades a minimum of six (6) feet wide, or other roof treatments that provide shade and a break in the vertical plane, along at least fifty (50) percent of the horizontal length of the primary facade.
      (4)    Display windows a minimum of six (6) feet high, along at least fifty (50) percent of the horizontal length of the primary facade.
      (5)    Awnings, associated with windows and/or doors, in increments of ten (10) feet or less in length, along at least fifty (50) percent of the horizontal length of the primary facade.
      (6)    Windows covering at least 40% of the primary facade.
      (7)    Any other treatment that, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, meets the intent of this section.
   (f)    Primary facades shall incorporate the screening of outdoor storage of customer shopping carts adjacent to the building. Shopping carts shall be screened by a wall a minimum of four (4) feet in height. The exterior facade of the wall shall be treated consistently with the primary facade.
   (g)    Exterior building materials and colors contribute significantly to the visual impact of a building on the community. The use of certain materials on primary facades is restricted as follows:
      (1)    Corrugated metal panels, used as a finish material, shall be prohibited on the primary facade. Architectural metal panels are acceptable, subject to appropriate consultation and a determination by the Planning and Zoning Administrator that the treatment meets the intent of this section.
      (2)    Smooth-faced concrete on a primary facade shall have stucco or other decorative finish.
      (3)    Backlit awnings/canopies are specifically prohibited. Pre-wiring for backlit awnings/canopies is prohibited. Awnings/canopies shall not be backlit subsequent to their construction.
         (Ord. 65-03. Passed 9-2-03.)