(a)    Arcade shall mean a series of arches supported by piers or columns.
   (b)    Architectural Development Plan (ADP) shall mean a conceptual plan of a proposed residential land development, together with written materials, showing the general character and layout of the development parcel including the approximate location and density/intensity of uses, the approximate location of parks and open space, the location of existing and proposed streets and alleys, and the relationship of the development to adjacent areas that it may affect.
   (c)    Awning shall mean a structure extended before a window or door as protection from sun or rain.
   (d)    Building bay shall mean any of a number of principal divisions of a wall, roof, or other part of a building marked off by vertical or crosswise supports.
   (e)    Block face shall mean the properties abutting on one side of a block.
   (f)    Building mass shall mean the three-dimensional bulk of a building: height, width, and depth.
   (g)    Building Scale shall mean the relationship of a particular building, in terms of building mass, to other nearby and adjacent buildings.
   (h)    Character shall mean those attributes, qualities, and features that make up, distinguish a development project, and give such project a sense of purpose, function, definition, and uniqueness.
   (i)    Connectivity shall mean the ability to be linked between areas, through vehicular and pedestrian transportation systems, including adjacent and proposed residential neighborhoods and schools, parks, trails, shopping and employment areas.
   (j)    Cornice shall mean a continuous, molded projection that crowns a wall or other construction, or divides it horizontally.
   (k)    Dormer shall mean a windowed wall area flanked on both sides by sloping roof areas.
   (l)    Eave shall mean the projecting edges of a roof overhanging the wall of a building.
   (m)    Facade shall mean the entire area of a building facing or side extending from the roof or parapet to the ground and from one corner of the building to another but does not include any structural or nonstructural elements which extend beyond the roof of a building.
   (n)   Fenestration shall mean the design, proportioning and arrangement of windows and other exterior openings of a building.
   (o)    Oriented shall mean to locate or place a building or structure in a particular direction on a lot or site which shall generally be parallel to the adjacent street.
   (p)    Parapet shall mean that portion of an exterior wall that rises above the roof.
   (q)    Pedestrian plaza shall mean an open space that may be improved, landscaped, or paved usually surrounded by buildings or streets and available for pedestrian use.
   (r)    Perimeter fences and walls shall mean those structures used for screening purposes, which shall be designed to be compatible with the related principal structures or buildings on site, including the same or similar colors and materials used on the related principal structures or buildings. Such screen walls shall not be continued for longer than fifty (50) feet without variation by using changes in height, different material combinations, offset angles, or articulation and shall include similar changes along the top of the wall.
   (s)    Pilaster shall mean a shallow rectangular feature projecting from a wall, having a top and base and architecturally treated as a column.
   (t)    Porte cochere shall mean a porch, supported by columns, large enough for wheeled vehicles to pass through.
   (u)    Portico shall mean a porch having a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building.
   (v)    Reflective materials shall mean materials that return light, glare, or radiant heat after striking the surface of the material.
   (w)    Rib shall mean any of several members supporting an arch, defining its surfaces or dividing these surfaces into panels.
   (x)    Scale shall mean the proportional relationship of the size of the building or structure to its surroundings. (Ord. 65-03. Passed 9-2-03.)