In addition to the provisions of Chapter 1165, the following standards for the arrangement and development of land and buildings are required in the Community Facilities (CF) District:
   (a)    No area, frontage or yard regulations shall apply except for a lot which abuts a residential district. In this case, the front yard shall be equal to the front yard requirement of the abutting residential district. Each side yard shall be equal to the height of the building plus five (5) feet and the rear yard requirements shall also be equal to the rear yard requirement of the abutting residential district.
   (b)    Building Height Limits. No building in this district shall exceed fifty (50) feet. No aerial antenna or tower shall be constructed to a height greater than the distance from the center of the base thereof to the nearest property line less (10) feet of said tract.
   (c)    Maximum Lot Coverage. Fifty (50) percent.