(a)   The following requirements shall govern water supply provisions:
      (1)   Individual private wells are prohibited.
      (2)   All subdivisions shall be provided with a complete water distribution system, built in conformance with the standards of the authorized water service, including a connection for each lot, and fire hydrants spaced in such a way that each dwelling is within 400 feet of a hydrant along a public street. A complete loop type water distribution system shall be required unless an exception is granted by the engineer of the authorized water service. Public water distribution and public well systems shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, as cited in Ohio R.C. 6111.44 through 6111.46.
      (3)   The size of water lines should not be based solely on present needs, but rather on the contemplated population density and land uses of the area to be served. When oversized water lines are deemed necessary by the Municipal Engineer because of potential growth, to avoid dead end lines, or to assure flow and pressure to the area, the developer shall provide sizes of water lines greater than necessary for a singular subdivision. The reimbursement to the developer for the extra size of the water lines shall be made in accordance with the procedures established by the Planning and Zoning Commission with the approval of Council. It is the intent of these Subdivision Regulations that future benefitting developers shall reimburse the original developer, or the Municipality if the Municipality participated in the financing of the original over sizing of the water lines.