(a)   No suspicious person shall be within the Municipality. The following shall be deemed suspicious persons:
      (1)   Any person found loitering or strolling in, about or upon any street, public way or place, or at any public gathering in or around any business and commercial establishment or on any private property without lawful business and conducting himself in a lewd, wanton or lascivious manner in speech or behavior.
      (2)   Any person who goes about begging, or places himself in or upon any public place to beg, or who lives idly and without visible means of support.
      (3)   Any person upon whose person or in whose possession is found any instrument, tool or other implement for picking locks or pockets, or any implement that is usually employed or that reasonably may be inferred to have been designed to be employed in the commission of any felony, misdemeanor or the violation of any ordinance, and who fails to account satisfactorily for the possession of the same.
      (4)   Any person wandering about and occupying, lodging or sleeping in any vacant or unoccupied barn, garage, shed, shop or other building, or in any automobile, truck, railroad car or other vehicle, without owning the same or without permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession of the same, or sleeping in any vacant lot during the hours of darkness and not giving satisfactory account of himself.
      (5)   Any person who wanders about the streets or other public ways or who is found abroad at late or unusual hours in the night without any visible or lawful business, and who does not give satisfactory account of himself.
      (6)   Any vagrant, prostitute, habitual disturber of the peace, known pickpocket, person known to obtain his/her living by criminal means and practices or who is known to be a companion and associate of criminals or other dissolute persons.
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor in the fourth degree.
(Ord. 1005AC. Passed 1-21-74.)