To secure a good effect in the Cemetery, it is essential that every portion of it shall be well cared for. Therefore, the care of all lots is assumed by the City.
(a) No person, other than Cemetery employees, will be permitted to perform any work on any lot without a permit from the City Manager or Sexton.
(b) All grading or improvement must be done by the employees of the Cemetery.
(c) If any tree or shrub situated on any lot shall become detrimental to any adjacent lot, it shall be the duty of the City to remove the tree or shrub.
(d) The City will remove all flowers, potted plants or wreaths when they become frosted, faded or withered. The City shall not be responsible for any memorials, including plants, etc.
(e) Only cut flowers placed in sunken metal or winona type vases will be permitted in Section S (the park plan section).
(f) Rusty, unpainted, unfilled vases or urns will be removed from lots.
(g) When permission for special planting has been obtained, the shrubs or trees placed must have yearly care from an independent arborist.
(h) The arrangement of the location of the graves upon a lot must be in accordance with the Cemetery plat.
(i) No grave shall be opened for interment or removal by any person not in the employ of the City.
(j) While a funeral or interment is being conducted, nearly all work of any description shall cease.
(k) Outside containers or vaults must be constructed of either concrete or steel.
(1957 Code §921.09)