Whenever any corporation, partnership, association, business trust, estate, two (2) or more persons having a joint or common interest, other commercial or legal entity, trustee of a land trust, or any beneficiary or beneficiaries thereof make applications to the Village for action requiring an ordinance, or ordinance amendment, permit or license, Board of Trustees approval, or other Village department or agency approval, with respect to sale or purchase of real estate, zoning, licensing, building or occupancy permit, vacation of streets or alleys, leases and contracts, the following disclosures and information shall be certified and attached to the application:
   A.   In the case of a corporation whose shares are registered on a national securities exchange pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the names and addresses of all shareholders owning shares equal to or in excess of ten percent (10%) of the proportionate ownership interest and the percentage of interest of each therein; or
In the case of a corporation whose shares are not registered on a national securities exchange pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, a list of the names and addresses of all shareholders and the percentage of interest of each therein.
Any corporation required by law to file a statement providing substantially the information required by this subsection with any other governmental agency may file a duplicate of such statement.
   B.   In the case of partnerships, associations, two (2) or more persons having a joint or common interest, the name and address of each partner or associate or person and the percentage of interest of each therein.
   C.   In the case of land trusts, business trusts, estates, or other similar commercial or legal entity, the identity of each beneficiary of such trust, estate, or commercial or legal entity, including name, address and percentage of interest of each therein.
   D.   Whenever any interest required to be disclosed in subsections A, B and C of this section is held by an agent or agents, or a nominee or nominees, the principals for whom such agents or nominees hold such interest shall also be disclosed. The application of a spouse or any other party, if constructively controlled by another person, or legal entity as set forth above, shall state the name and address of such person or entity possessing such constructive control and the relationship under which such control is being or may be exercised. Whenever a stock or beneficial interest is held by a corporation or other legal entity, such shareholder or beneficiary shall also make disclosure as required by subsections A, B and C of this section.
   E.   A statement under oath that the applicant has withheld no disclosures as to economic interests in the undertaking nor reserved any information, data or plan as to the intended use or purpose for which it seeks Board of Trustees or other Village department or agency action.
All disclosures and information shall be current as of the date upon which the application is presented to the Board of Trustees or other Village department or agency, and shall be maintained current until such time as the Board of Trustees or other village department or agency shall take action on the application.
Notwithstanding any of the above provisions, the village attorney may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure relevant to the application for action by the board of trustees or other village department or agency.
Any failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall render any ordinance, ordinance amendment, permit or license, board of trustee approval or other village department or agency approval or other village action in behalf of the applicant failing to comply, voidable at the option of the board of trustees. (Ords. 76-11-22, 83-24-66)