A.   Chief Of Police:
      1.   Appointment, Term: The village manager is authorized to appoint, suspend or discharge the chief of the police department without the consent of the board of trustees.
      2.   General Duties: The chief of police shall be the keeper of the village jail, and shall have custody of all persons incarcerated therein. He shall keep such records and make such reports concerning the activities of his department as may be required by statute or by the village board. The chief shall be responsible for the performance by the police department of all its functions.
   B.   Marshals: In cases of emergency and in order to do all things necessary to preserve the peace of the village, the president, with the advice and consent of the board of trustees, may appoint as many marshals as he shall deem necessary. Such marshals shall be under the jurisdiction of the chief of police during the term of their hiring.
   C.   Police Matron: A police matron shall, when necessary, be appointed according to law. Her duties shall be to assume charge of all female prisoners who may be in custody.
   D.   Code Enforcement Officer: The code enforcement officer shall be a civilian, nonsworn officer of the police department and shall be employed for a maximum of thirty five (35) hours a week as a part time employee.
      1.   Appointment, Term: The chief of police is authorized to appoint, suspend or discharge the code enforcement officer without the consent of the board of trustees.
      2.   General Duties: The code enforcement officer shall particularly enforce village parking regulations, but shall also enforce any other village ordinances as assigned by the chief of police and shall in relation to said enforcement, be empowered to issue citations and tickets for violations of this code.
   E.   Deputy Police Chief: There is hereby established the position of deputy police chief of the police department. The chief of police shall have the authority to appoint an individual from the rank of sergeant or above within the police department to the position of deputy police chief, which shall be an exempt rank and unclassified position. The individual so appointed to this position shall receive such extra compensation for the duties of this position in an amount set, from time to time, by the village board of trustees in the annual salary ordinance, or as recommended by the police chief and approved by the village board of trustees.
If a member of the police department is appointed as the deputy police chief prior to becoming eligible to retire on pension, he or she shall be considered as if on furlough from the rank he or she held prior to the appointment. If the deputy police chief resigns, or is discharged as deputy police chief, he or she may revert to and be established in such prior rank, and thereafter be entitled to all benefits and emoluments of such prior rank at the discretion of the chief of police. The village board, by ordinance, and consistent with the Illinois Compiled Statutes, may prescribe the duties, define the powers, and fix the term of appointment. The term of office shall be in accordance with the Illinois Compiled Statutes and at the discretion of the chief of police. The position of deputy chief of police is specifically exempt from the provisions of 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/10-2.1-1 et seq. (1951 Code 3-2, 3-3, 3-5, 17-1-9; Ord. 68-25-70; 1985 Code; Ords. 87-12-47, 89-13-30, 92-02-10, 92-08-32, 93-5-13, 94-21-96)