The Village hereby establishes cost mitigation rates for the deployment of certain emergency services by the Fire Department of the Village for services provided and/or rendered to residents and non-residents including the provision of personnel, supplies and equipment to the scene of motor vehicle incidents and other emergency incidents as set forth in this chapter, which are based on the actual costs of the services and those costs that are usual, customary and reasonable.
   A.   Definitions: For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   Fire Investigation Team: Fire investigation services include scene safety, investigation, source identification, K-9/Arson Dog Unit, identification equipment, mobile detection equipment and fire report. The claim begins when the fire investigator or investigation team responds to the incident and is billed for logged time only.
   Level 1 - Basic Response: This level is the provision of basic response services including engine response, first responder assignment, perimeter establishment, evacuations, set-up and command.
   Level 2 - Intermediate Response: This level includes provision of level 1 services as well as hazmat certified team and appropriate equipment, level A or B suit donning, breathing air, detection equipment and set-up and removal of decontamination center as necessary.
   Level 3 - Advanced Response: This level includes provisions of levels 1 and 2 services as well as robot deployment, recovery and identification of material, disposal and environmental cleanup. This level also includes any disposal rates for contaminated equipment and material used at scene.
   Level 1: This level is the provision of hazardous materials assessment, scene stabilization and basic response services.
   Level 2: This level includes provision of level 1 services, as well as clean up and material used for hazardous fluid clean-up and disposal. Billing at this level will occur if the Fire Department of the Village must clean up any gasoline or other automotive fluids that are spilled as a result of the accident or incident.
   Level 3: This level relates to the extinguishment of a car fire, provision of scene safety, fire suppression, breathing air, rescue tools, hand tools, hose, tip use, foam, exposure protection, and clean-up of gasoline or other automotive fluids that are spilled as a result of the accident or incident.
   Level 4: This level includes provisions of levels 1 and 2 services, as well as the use of extrication tools (heavy rescue tools, ropes, airbags, cribbing, etc.). Billing at this level will occur if the Fire Department of the Village is required to free or remove anyone from the vehicle(s) using any powered equipment. Billing at this level will not occur if the person to be extricated is unconscious or unable to move and the Fire Department is able to open a door to the vehicle to access and safely remove the person.
   Level 5: This level includes provisions of levels 1, 2 and 4 services as well as aeromedical response coordination (multi-engine company response, mutual aid, and helicopter). Billing will occur at this level any time a helicopter is utilized to transport the patient(s).
   Level 6 - Itemized Response: In the case of an unusual incident, the Fire Department of the Village may bill each incident as an independent incident with actual costs and/or customary mitigation rates using itemized rates deemed usual, customary and reasonable. Such incidents will be billed using itemized amounts for apparatus and personnel, plus products and equipment used.
   NONRESIDENT: Any person not residing within the corporate limits of the Village who requires emergency services of any type, whether knowingly or unknowingly, by the Oak Lawn Fire Department.
   PIPELINE INCIDENTS/POWER LINE INCIDENTS: Includes, but not limited to: gas, sewer, septic to sewer, and water pipelines:
   Level 1 - Basic Response: This level is the provision of basic response services including engine response, first responder assignment, perimeter establishment, evacuations, first responder set-up and command. This level also includes inspection without damage or breakage.
   Level 2 - Intermediate Response: This level includes provision of level 1 services as well as hazmat certified team and appropriate equipment, level A or B suit donning, breathing air, detection equipment, and the supervision and/or assisting of pipeline repair.
   Level 3 - Itemized Response: In the case of an unusual incident, the Fire Department of the Village may bill each incident as an independent incident with actual costs and/or customary mitigation rates using itemized rates deemed usual, customary and reasonable. Such incidents will be billed using itemized amounts for apparatus and personnel, plus products and equipment used.
   Itemized Response: Each incident will be billed in accordance with actual costs and/or customary mitigation rates using itemized rates deemed usual, customary and reasonable, subject to the minimum amounts set forth above. Such incidents will be billed using itemized amounts for each apparatus and each trained rescue person per hour, plus rescue products and equipment used.
   Level 1 - Basic Response: This level is the provision of basic response services including engine response, first responder assignment, perimeter establishment, evacuations, first responder set-up and command, scene safety and investigation (including possible patient contact and hazard control).
   Level 2 - Intermediate Response: This level is the provision of level 1 services as well as clean-up and material used (sorbents), minor hazardous clean-up and disposal. Billing will occur at this level if the Fire Department of the Village must clean up small amounts of gasoline or other fluids that are spilled as a result of the incident.
   Level 3 - Advanced Response: This level is the provisions of levels 1 and 2 services as well as MABAS (Mutual Aid Box Alarm System) activation, donning breathing apparatus, detection equipment, set up and removal of decontamination center, recovery and identification of material, and disposal and environment clean up. This level also includes any disposal rates of contaminated equipment and material used at scene.
   B.   Fee Established: The following fees shall be charged to any nonresident or resident for insurance covered costs who utilizes the emergency services of the Oak Lawn Fire Department:
Fire investigations:
Level 1
$ 275.00/hour
Hazardous materials incidents:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Hazmat technician
Motor vehicle incidents:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Pipeline/power line incidents:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Special rescue:
Water incidents:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
   C.   Implementation And Procedures: The mitigation rates above are flat fees, except for itemized responses, and have been determined to be usual, customary and reasonable for the incident responses listed. The mitigation rates were determined by itemizing costs for a typical incident (from the time a fire apparatus leaves the station until it returns to the station) and are based on the actual costs, using amortized schedules for apparatus (including useful life, equipment, repairs, and maintenance) and labor rates (based upon an average department's "actual personnel expense", and not just a firefighter's base wage). The actual personnel expense includes, but not by way of limitation, costs such as wages, retirement benefits, workers' compensation, and insurance. When a claim is submitted, it will be itemized and based on the actual services provided in accordance with the above rates.
The mitigation rates shall represent an additional cost of the claim for damages of the vehicles, property and/or injuries, and shall be filed with the insurance carrier of the owner of the titled vehicle, owner of the property, or the responsible party or parties. In certain circumstances the responsible party will be billed directly.
Responses involving intoxicated drivers, hazmat clean-up, intentional or negligent acts, or any act that violates any local, State or Federal law or regulation, may be subject to all applicable mitigation rates.
   D.   Collection: The Village shall cause a bill to be issued to non-residents or residents for insurance covered costs and sent for the emergency service. Interest shall accumulate and be due upon such fee at the rate of one percent (1%) per month commencing as of the thirtieth day following the mailing of the bill. All fees collected in conformance with this chapter shall be deposited in the General Fund of the Village or other fund for the purpose of providing funds for future replacement of life- safety vehicles or equipment as may be determined by the Corporate Authorities of the Village. (Ord. 18-12-42)