A.   Repairs:
      1.   The Fire Chief shall, with the approval of the Village Manager, whenever any fire engine, hose, cart or other apparatus or equipment shall require immediate emergency repairs to be made in order to avoid delay in keeping such equipment ready for immediate service, cause such repairs to be made, such cost for both labor, material and repairs not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). The Fire Chief shall immediately report, in writing, to the Village Manager and President and Board of Trustees the facts relating to such defective equipment and the estimated cost of such repairs.
      2.   Except as to such emergency repairs the Fire Chief shall, whenever any fire engine, hose, cart, truck or other equipment or ap paratus shall require repairs, report such fact in writing to the Village Manager and President and Board of Trustees, indicating the amount and nature of repairs required and if so authorized, shall cause such repairs to be made.
   B.   Driving Over Fire Hose: No wagon, streetcar, railroad car, automobile or other vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of the Fire Department of the Village, when laid down on any street or alley by order of the Fire Chief or other proper officer, without the consent of the Fire Chief or officer or member in charge of such hose.
   C.   Use Of Fire Key Without Permission: Should any person have in his possession or make or cause to be made, any key or keys of any engine or truck house or fire alarm telegraph box, or use or cause to be used any such key without the consent of the proper authority, every such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
   D.   Opening Fire Signal Boxes, Interfering With System: No person except those connected with the management of the Fire Department shall open any signal box unless to communicate an alarm of fire, or break, cut, deface, derange, or in any manner meddle or interfere with any signal box or fire alarm, telegraph or telephone wires. (1951 Code 4-11; Ord. 67-1-1)