A.   Participation In The Illinois Fire Protection Training Act:
      1.   The village hereby elects to participate in the programs provided for in the Illinois fire protection training act.
      2.   In addition to all other requirements for Firefighters found in this Code, including but not limited to those found in Section 2-6-9-2, before an individual may commence regular full-time employment as a firefighter, he must have been certified by the Illinois state fire marshal as a firefighter II, Basic Operations Firefighter or BOF training complete but not OSFM Certified, as having successfully completed an approved training course as provided in said act.
      3.   The board of fire and police commissioners is hereby instructed and directed to make the necessary amendments to the personnel rules, and the rules governing examination, appointment, promotion, renewal, etc., of said board of fire and police commissioners in order to require that any person appointed to the fire department of the village shall not become a regular member of the village fire department unless and until he/she shall complete, pursuant to said Illinois fire protection and training act, the approved training requirements upon hire date and time of his initial employment. (Ord. 11-10-10, 22-18-57)