The Mayor shall appoint a Hearing Board consisting of the Health Commissioner, the Fire Chief, the Building Commissioner, the City Attorney and the City Clerk or a duly qualified employee designated by the head of the department in which such person is employed. The Board shall pass on applications for licenses for nursing homes, shelter care homes and homes for the aged which have been denied for any of the following reasons:
(A) Failure to meet the minimum standards prescribed in this subchapter;
(B) Conviction of the applicant, or if the applicant is a firm, partnership or association, of any of its members, or if the applicant is a corporation, of any of its officers or directors, or of the person designated to manage or supervise the home, of a felony, or of two or more misdemeanors involving moral turpitude, as shown by a certified copy of the record of the court of conviction, or, in the case of a conviction of a misdemeanor by a court not of record, as shown by other evidence, or other satisfactory evidence that the moral character of the applicant, manager or supervisor of the home is not reputable;
(C) Personnel insufficient in number or unqualified by training or experience to provide proper and adequate care for the proposed number and type of residents; or
(D) Insufficient financial or other resources to operate and conduct the home in accordance with this subchapter and the minimum standards, rules and regulations promulgated under this subchapter.
(2000 Code, § 5.40.090)