For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APPLICANT. Any natural person, syndicate, association, partnership, firm, club, company, corporation, limited liability company, institution, agency, government corporation, municipal corporation, district or other political subdivision, or any officers, agents, employees or other representative, acting either for himself or herself or for any other person in any capacity; or any other entity recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties other than the City of Oak Forest who submits an application pursuant to this chapter.
CARNIVAL. Any aggregation of shows or riding devices, games of skill or chance, or any combination of shows and riding devices, or any combination of several enterprises, such as Ferris wheels, tilt-a-whirls, carousels, roller coasters, giant swings, or other riding devices, whether carried on or engaged in or conducted in any field, park or in a building or enclosure, and whether carried on, engaged in or conducted as one enterprise or by several concessionaires, and whether one admission fee is charged for admission to all such shows or entertainments, or separate fee for admission is charged for each amusement.
CARNIVAL RIDES. Riding devices including, but not limited to, Ferris Wheels, tilt-a-whirls, carousels, roller coasters, and giant swings.
CIRCUS. A show consisting of acrobats, trained animals, clowns, or similar forms of entertainment that is held in an arena, which may be open air or enclosed in a tent or building.
CITY. The City of Oak Forest and all of its government entities.
CITY PROPERTY. Public streets, sidewalks, right-of-way, or other property owned or controlled by the city.
CITY SERVICES. Services provided by city departments including, but not limited to public safety, crowd control, traffic control, management of the event site, road closures, demarcation of no-parking tow zones, inspection services, garbage removal, and production of event materials and city website information.
MAJOR SPECIAL EVENT. A special event including, but not limited to, parades, festivals, and athletic events which meet some or all of the following criteria:
(1) Anticipated attendance by a large number of people;
(2) Closure of roads, streets or city blocks;
(3) Demarcation of “No Parking, Tow Zones”;
(4) Issuance of multiple permits or licenses;
(5) Provision of city services as defined herein.
MINOR SPECIAL EVENT. Special events which do not require provision of city services as defined herein.
PRIVATE EVENT. An event located entirely on private property provided for an exclusive or invited group of attendees, held on suitable premises, which does not exceed occupancy permits.
SPECIAL EVENT. Any temporary occurrence conducted or sponsored by an applicant involving a display, demonstration, performance, exhibition, or amusement which includes, but is not limited to, festivals, concerts, carnivals, art and craft shows, firework displays, sporting events, parades, rallies and the like.
SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR. An individual appointed by the Mayor to coordinate applications for major and minor special events.
(Ord. 2013-03-0435O, § 4 (part), passed 3-12-2013)