The following form shall be used by police officers when obtaining permission from vehicle owners to tow stolen vehicles that are recovered:
I, _____________________(name of owner), am the owner of a motor vehicle which I have reported to the Oak Forest Police Department as having been stolen. The vehicle is described as follows: _________________
____________________________________________________________________ (description of the vehicle)
I understand that the Oak Forest Police Department may transmit notice of this vehicle theft to other police agencies which may attempt to recover the vehicle. I understand that if the vehicle is recovered, I have the option of requesting that the vehicle be towed to a vehicle pound location or left at the place where the vehicle has been found. While not requiring the law enforcement agency which finds the vehicle to do so, I do hereby grant my permission to have the vehicle towed. I understand that if the vehicle is towed, I will be required to pay reasonable towing and storage charges.
Dated: _______________, 20____.
Owner of Vehicle
(2000 Code, § 10.36.100)