Any term not defined in this section shall have the meaning ascribed to it in other ordinances of the municipality, and if not defined in any other municipal ordinance, it shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Illinois Vehicle Code. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      (1)   A vehicle parked or otherwise located on a public way:
         (a)   In a state of disrepair that it is incapable of being driven; or
         (b)   That has been unmoved for a period of at least 24 hours, and from its condition, the period during which it has not been moved, or some other circumstance, it appears to have been, and will be presumed to have been, abandoned by its owner.
      (2)   A vehicle parked in a public parking lot or on private property without the consent of the lot owner or the proprietor or agent of the property, which person has requested that the vehicle be towed; or
      (3)   A vehicle defined as abandoned, or capable of being towed, by any other city ordinance, and which does not fall into the categories of “hazardous” or “unlawful” vehicles and therefor is not subject to an immediate tow.
      (1)   A vehicle that has been involved in an accident and is disabled or cannot be immediately moved by the owner or operator thereof;
      (2)   A vehicle that presents an immediate danger to the health or welfare of members of the public;
      (3)   A vehicle abandoned or disabled on a public street, way or alley that is impeding the orderly flow of traffic or that poses a potential danger to pedestrians and other operators of vehicles; or
      (4)   A vehicle that must be moved to allow for proper municipal snow removal from a public street, way or alley.
   OWNER. A person who holds legal title to a vehicle or the right of possession of the vehicle.
      (1)   A vehicle that has been reported stolen or that is the subject of a search and seizure by the Police Department; or
      (2)   A vehicle parked in violation of state statutes or city ordinances which prohibit parking at the location in question or for a period of time for which the vehicle has been parked, and where either the statute or the ordinance authorizes the vehicle to be towed and the signs posted at the general location note that fact.
   VEHICLE. Any device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a street, highway or any public way, including snowmobiles, except the devices moved by human power and devices used exclusively upon stationary rails and tracks.
(2000 Code, § 10.36.010)