It shall be the policy of the city to encourage the procurement of recycled products by showing a preference for recycled products which demonstrate the same fitness and quality at a price less than, equal to or up to 10% more than nonrecycled products, and to adhere to the following guidelines.
(A) All departments involved in procurement shall conduct a review of existing product and service specifications to determine whether existing specifications either require the use of products manufactured from virgin materials or exclude the use of recycled products, reusable products or products designed to be recycled.
(B) In the event that specifications exclude the use of recycled products or require the use of virgin materials, then those exclusions or requirements shall be eliminated unless demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the department head, that recycled products would not achieve a necessary performance standard. A copy of the findings shall be submitted to the City Administrator.
(C) All city departments shall recommend changes to the City Administrator to ensure that performance standards for particular products can be met, that specifications are not overlay stringent and that specifications will incorporate requirements for the use of recycled materials, reusable products and products designed to be recycled, to the maximum extent possible.
(D) Outside contractors bidding to provide products or services to the city, including printing services, must demonstrate that they will comply with the specifications described herein to the greatest extent feasible.
(E) When recycled products are used, reasonable efforts shall be undertaken to label the products to indicate that they contain recycled materials. Other recycled products used by the city shall, to the extent practical, also indicate that they contain recycled materials.
(F) The city shall cooperate to the greatest extent feasible with the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association and neighboring city and county governments in an effort to develop a comprehensive, consistent and effective procurement effort intended to stimulate the market for recycled products, reusable products and products designed to be recycled.
(G) All related city departments and commissions shall work cooperatively to further the purposes of this policy. The city’s economic development process shall incorporate the goal of stimulating the market for recycled materials.
(2000 Code, § 2.28.050) (Ord. 2007-04-0097O, passed 5-8-2007)