(A)   No expenditure of city funds shall be submitted to Council or approved by Council, particularly for the purpose of reimbursement of expenses of elected officials of the city, unless evidence is presented to Council as to the following:
      (1)   The amount of the expenditure involved;
      (2)   To what business establishment, individual or other person the expenditure was committed and is to be paid;
      (3)   When the expenditure was committed;
      (4)   The purpose or the interest of the city for which the expenditure was committed; and
      (5)   In the case of expenditures to be assigned against expense accounts of elected or appointed officials, those involved in the expenditure and for whom the expenditure was committed.
   (B)   Should an item of expenditure be placed before Council for approval without the evidence required in division (A) above available to members of Council for inspection prior to the vote of approval, any vote of approval on an overall list that includes such an item shall be presumed not to include approval of an item. Without the above substantiation, items will not be considered to be approved.
   (C)   Where evidence of an expenditure is a receipt from the use of a credit card such as American Express, Master Card, Visa or the like, only the original receipt of an expenditure will be acceptable evidence to the city of the expenditure; an electrostatic (i.e., Xerox and the like) copy of the receipt will not be acceptable evidence of the expenditure. An expenditure that is not supported by original evidence, as set forth herein, will not be approved regardless of a general vote of Council on an overall list that might include an inadequately supported claim for expenditure remuneration.
   (D)   The intention of this subchapter is to seek the greatest possible confirmation of the most efficient use of city funds. Wherever there is a doubt, the doubt is to be resolved in favor of the proposition that the most efficient use of city funds has not been achieved. In that case, the expenditure will be presumed not to be most efficient and approval of Council will be presumed not to have been given.
(2000 Code, § 2.28.040)