(A)   There is established in and for the city an office of purchasing under the direction of the City Administrator, or if a vacancy exists in that position, under the direction of the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk, who shall be referred to as the purchasing agent. This office will be responsible to the Mayor and Council for the entire purchasing program.
   (B)   The office or designee shall have the following responsibilities, in addition to any others designated by the Mayor and Council:
      (1)   Act to procure all necessary supplies, materials and services, subject to the approval of Council, for the efficient operation of the government at the lowest possible cost;
      (2)   Report to the Mayor and Council any collusive or restrictive bidding and endeavor to obtain as full and open competition as possible on all purchases;
      (3)   Establish and amend, with the approval of Council, all rules and regulations authorized by this subchapter;
      (4)   Keep informed of current developments in the field of purchasing, prices, market conditions and new products, and keep abreast of the benefits of research done in the field of purchasing by other governmental jurisdictions, national technical associations, trade associations having national recognition and private businesses and organizations;
      (5)   Prescribe and maintain forms necessary to the operation of this subchapter;
      (6)   Prepare, adopt and maintain a vendors’ catalog file, which catalog shall be filed according to materials and shall contain descriptions of vendors’ commodities and prices;
      (7)   Exploit the possibilities of buying in bulk to take full advantage of discounts;
      (8)   Act to procure all federal and state exemptions to which the government is entitled;
      (9)   Cooperate with other personnel to secure the maximum efficiency in budgeting and accounting; and
      (10)   Declare as irresponsible those bidders or vendors who default on their quotations, and disqualify them from receiving any business from the government for a stated period of time, as determined by the Mayor and Council.
(2000 Code, § 2.28.010)