Parking shall be prohibited on the following streets, as listed below, where NO PARKING THIS SIDE OF STREET signs are posted.
Street Name | Side of Street | From | To |
Street Name | Side of Street | From | To |
Adele Lane | North | Craig Drive | Terry Lane |
Barry Lane | North | Brenden Lane | Fieldcrest Drive |
Barton Lane | East | Fieldcrest Drive | Barry Lane |
Blair Lane | East | Barry Lane | Henry Street |
Brenden Lane | East | Fieldcrest Drive | Scott Street |
Brockton Lane | East | Fieldcrest Drive | Barry Lane |
El Vista Avenue | East | 147th Street | 151st Street |
Fern Avenue | South | Central Avenue | El Vista Avenue |
George Drive | East | Warwick | Terry Lane |
Grange Avenue | North | El Vista Avenue | Long Avenue |
Harold Street | East | Richard Avenue | George Drive |
Henry Street | North | Blair Lane | 4884 Henry Street |
Lapalm Court | North | Mission Avenue | cul-de-sac |
Lapalm Drive | North | Central Avenue | Mission Avenue |
Laura Lane | West | Barry Lane | cul-de-sac |
Lisa Lane | North | Craig Drive | Terry Lane |
Long Avenue | West | 147th Street | 149th Street |
Mann Street | North | Craig Drive | Blair Lane |
Mission Avenue | East | Grange Avenue | 151st Street |
Park Avenue | East | Grange Avenue | Vine Street |
Richard Avenue | North | Craig Drive | Terry Lane |
Roy Street | East | Richard Avenue | George Drive |
Scott Street | North | Craig Drive | Blair Lane |
Sunset Avenue | East | Fern Avenue | Vine Street |
Terry Lane | East | 16363 Terry Lane | George Drive |
Vine Street | North | Sunset Avenue | Mission Avenue |
(Ord. 2019-09-0754O, passed 9-24-2019; Am. Ord. 2019-11-0765O, passed 11-26-2019)