With the passage of the ordinance codified in this subchapter, a Citizens’ Commission, known and referred to as the Oak Forest Streetscape Advisory Council (SAC) shall be formed, specifically charged with the following mission, agenda and/or duties:
   (A)   Promote and recommend programs and policies to improve the design and aesthetics of our streetscape, particularly in the commercial corridors, contributing to the vitality of our community, while helping to mitigate any adverse physical and economic conditions affecting the social and economic growth of the City of Oak Forest, now and in the future;
   (B)   Working in conjunction with Oak Forest staff, to devise and implement an ongoing outreach program, designed to assess the needs and identify those issues related to government policies and/or services which affect the beautification and/or rejuvenation of the streetscape in Oak Forest;
   (C)   Working in conjunction with the city’s community development staff, research and compile an overall strategy and/or capital improvement plan, serving as a blueprint for the recruitment and development of working partnerships among Oak Forest’s commercial, industrial and service sectors;
   (D)   Recommend guidelines and structure objective criteria to better evaluate the use of streetscape materials—furniture, landscape, signage and plantings—as a means of business attraction and retention, as well as overall beautification;
   (E)   Compile and conduct those surveys or other research instruments necessary to ascertain the status of the streetscape and the physical environment, including those unique circumstances affecting certain locations within the corporate limits;
   (F)   Coordinate the city’s annual beautification awards program; and
   (G)   Serve as ambassadors for the city— conducting various outreach and public relations activities related to the successful integration and overall preservation of Oak Forest’s two major environments—the built environment and the natural environment.
(2000 Code, § 2.97.010) (Ord. 2850, § 1, passed - -2004; Ord. 2006-06-0034O, passed 6-13-2006)