For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY HEALTH COMMISSIONER.  A licensed, registered nurse appointed to the Health Commission by the Mayor with the consent of Council.
   EMPLOYEE. Any person on the premises of a food service establishment who engages in management, supervision, food preparation or service or who comes in contact with any food utensil or preparation or service equipment.
   FOOD. Any raw, cooked or processed edible substance, beverage or ingredient, including ice, used or intended for use or for sale in whole or in part for human consumption.
   FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT. Any place where food that is intended for individual service and consumption is routinely provided, completed and prepared. The term includes any such place, regardless of whether or not consumption is in, on or off the premises and regardless of whether or not there is a charge for the food. FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT does not include a private home where food is prepared for individual family consumption, nor does it include a retail food store that does not cook or combine ready-to-eat foods for human consumption.
   KITCHEN or FOOD PREPARATION AREA. A room or area which is separate and distinct from other facilities within a food service establishment and which contains all equipment for the type and volume of foods being prepared and served.
   MOBILE FOOD UNIT. Any food service establishment or vehicle from which food is served without a fixed location and which is capable of being readily moved from location to location. The term does not include a food service establishment or mobile vehicle which serves only ice cream or ice cream products.
   NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Any new food service establishment applying for a business license in the city.
   OCCASIONAL FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT. Any food service establishment which is operated with no regularity or for a limited period of time by a charitable, religious, educational, municipal or other nonprofit organization for social purposes or organizational fund raising only and in which the food is prepared and served by voluntary personnel from the membership of, or affiliated with, the charitable, religious, educational, municipal or other nonprofit organization.
   RESTAURANT, FULL SERVICE. A business, which sells food prepared indoors on the premises with a full menu and provides an indoor seating area of at least 250 square feet. Such businesses may provide for the sale of alcoholic beverages as an accessory and secondary use. Operating criteria to define a full service food establishment include most or all of the following: served by staff to seated customers and where payment is made at the end of the meal; presence of a full commercial kitchen and commercial dishwasher. The business shall be equipped with restrooms in accordance with all applicable city. state, and federal building codes as defined in Title XV, Chapter 151 of the City Code.
   RETAIL FOOD STORE. Any establishment or section of an establishment where food and food products are offered to the consumer and intended for off-premises consumption. The term includes delicatessens that offer prepared food in bulk quantities only. The term does not include establishments which handle only prepackaged, non-potentially hazardous foods, food service establishments or food and beverage vending machines.
   SEASONAL FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT. Any food service establishment which is operated by a person for profit and not by a charitable, religious, educational, municipal or other nonprofit organization; which is licensed to operate for a period of no greater than six consecutive months and no less than 15 consecutive days from a fixed location; in which no seating area is available for the use of patrons; and whose dimensions are no greater than ten feet by 16 feet.
   TEMPORARY FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT. Any food service establishment which is operated by a person for profit and not by a charitable, religious, educational, municipal or other nonprofit organization, which has no permanent location and which operates for only a specified period of time at certain locations (i.e. carnivals, fairs, public displays and the like).
(2000 Code, § 5.18.020) (Am. Ord. 2021-10-0870O, passed 10-26-2021)