This subchapter applies to proposed development, redevelopment, site modification or building modification within a designated floodway. The designated floodway for Natalie Creek, Boca Rio Ditch, the Western Tributary to Midlothian Creek, Midlothian Creek, and Twin Lakes Reservoir shall be as delineated on the countywide flood insurance rate map of Cook County and referenced in the commentary of flood insurance rate maps in § 159.02. Only those uses and structures will be permitted which meet the criteria in this subchapter. All floodway modifications shall be the minimum necessary to accomplish the purpose of the project. The development shall also meet the requirements of § 159.06.
(Ord. 2008-08-0196O, passed 8-12-2008; Am. Ord. 2019-10-0759O, passed 10-22-2019)