(A)   The Oak Forest Citizens Advisory Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
      (1)   To coordinate projects and assignments given to it by the Mayor and Council and perform duties at the direction of the Mayor and Council;
      (2)   To provide recommendations to the Mayor and Council pertaining to the effectiveness and format of city-sponsored community events;
      (3)   To provide input and recommendations regarding programs or efforts to increase citizen involvement in the community;
      (4)   To recommend strategies to establish and maintain effective communications; and
      (5)   To establish meeting dates and times as well as rules of order for the operation of the Commission.
   (B)   Nothing in these powers and duties shall in any way be construed to usurp the duties of the Mayor or Council, which are nondelegable.
(Ord. 2006-11-0067O, passed 11-14-2006)