(A) Permits required. No person shall construct or install any satellite dish exceeding one meter in size in residential districts other than R5 and R6 zoning districts, or two meters in size in R5, R6 or nonresidential districts without obtaining an antenna installation permit pursuant to Chapter 110 of this code.
(B) General requirements. The following requirements shall apply to all dish antennas located, installed or constructed:
(1) Aesthetic requirements. All dish antennas, and the bases on which they are mounted, shall be black, gray, white, silver, tan, beige or other light brown shades of color, or another color which matches or blends with the predominant color of the roof surface if roof mounted, or the color of the surroundings if ground mounted.
(2) Wind loads. All dish antennas and any bases on which they are mounted shall be constructed to withstand a minimum wind velocity of 80 mph (impact pressure of 32 pounds per square foot).
(3) No obstruction of public ways or property. No satellite dish shall extend above, across, over or under any public street, public sidewalk, or other public rights of way or property, and shall have no wires, or metal rods extending therefrom above, across, over or under any public street, public sidewalk or other public rights of way or property.
(4) Buried wires, rods and connectors. All wires, rods and other connectors between a satellite dish and the structure receiving services from the dish shall be located underground if ground mounted or securely attached to or located within the structure receiving service if the satellite dish is roof or wall mounted.
(5) Screening for satellite dishes.
(a) As an exception to § 160.324, all ground mounted satellite dish installations exceeding one meter in size in residential districts including R5 and R6 districts, or two meters in size in any nonresidential districts, shall include screening treatments, not less than the height of the dish installation, along the dish’s non-reception window axis and low-level screening treatments along the reception window axis of the dish’s base.
(b) Screening treatments should completely enclosed the satellite and consist of non-deciduous landscape materials or fencing having an opacity of at least 75%.
(6) Lighting and advertising. All satellite dish installations shall comply with all applicable FCC and FAA requirements. No lights or signs, or other advertising shall be permitted on any satellite dish or support structure unless required by the FCC or the FAA.
(C) Miscellaneous zoning requirements. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all satellite dish installations shall comply with all accessory use, yard, height, bulk and setback requirements specified within the zoning district where the dish will be located.
(1) Residential zoning districts other than R5 and R6 Districts.
(a) Rear yards. In any residential zoning district other than R5 and R6 Districts, subject to the provisions of this subchapter, and to the extent that it is practicable, satellite dishes shall be located only in the rear yard of any lot. All satellite dishes in a historic preservation district which are located other than in the rear yard of any lot.
(b) Interior side yards. If satellite signals cannot be clearly received from the rear yard, the satellite dish may be located in the interior side yard.
(c) Roof or wall mounted. In the event satellite signals cannot be clearly received by locating the satellite dish in the rear or interior side yards of the property it may be mounted on the roof or wall of the principal structure, subject to the following requirements.
1. Roof mounted or wall anchored satellite dishes installed on a principal building or structure shall be located on that portion of a roof or wall which faces a rear yard.
2. In the event satellite signals cannot be clearly received by locating the satellite dish on that portion of a roof or wall which faces a rear yard, the satellite dish may be installed on the side roof.
3. A satellite dish mounted on the side roof shall be installed so it is not visible between ground level from any street adjoining the front yard of the property on which it is located.
4. A satellite dish exceeding one meter (three and one-half feet) in size may be permitted as a conditional use pursuant to § 156.30(A)(3) of this subchapter.
5. A satellite dish not meeting any other standards or requirements in this subchapter may be permitted upon the grant of a variance pursuant to § 156.30(A)(4) of this subchapter.
(2) Nonresidential zoning districts and R5 and R6 Districts.
(a) Rear yards, interior side yards and roof mounted. In any R5 and R6, or nonresidential zoning district, to the extent that it is practicable, satellite dishes shall be located in rear yards, interior side yards, or on the roof, subject to the provisions of division (C)(2)(b) of this section.
(b) Roof mounted. In any R5, R6 or nonresidential districts, roof mounted satellite dishes may be installed on any portion of the roof of a principal structure where the antenna is effectively screened and is installed so that it is not visible between ground level and ten feet above ground level from any adjoining street or abutting residential property, including other multiple-family property in an R5 or R6 District.
(c) Wall mounted. In any R5, R6 or nonresidential districts, wall mounted satellite dishes installed on a principal building or structure shall be located on that portion of a wall which faces a rear yard.
(d) Accessory structures. Roof mounted or wall anchored satellite dishes installed on an accessory building or structure may be located on any side of the roof or wall.
(e) Conditional uses. A satellite dish in excess of two meters (seven feet) in size may be permitted as a conditional use pursuant to § 156.30(A)(3) of this subchapter.
(f) Variances. A satellite dish not meeting any other standards or requirements in this subchapter may be permitted upon the grant of a variance pursuant to § 156.30(A)(4) of this subchapter.
(D) Setbacks for satellite dishes.
(1) Permitted ground mounted satellite dishes. Permitted ground mounted satellite dishes shall be setback at least five feet from the property line.
(2) Conditional use satellite dishes. No satellite dish exceeding one meter in size in residential districts or two meters in size in any R5, R6 or nonresidential districts shall be located less than 15 feet from any lot line or less than 35 feet from any existing principal structure on a lot other than the lot on which the satellite dish is to be constructed or installed.
(E) Satellite dish sizes. The size of all satellite dish installations shall conform to the following requirements:
(1) Residential. No satellite dish shall be more than ten feet in diameter whether roof mounted, wall anchored or ground mounted; and
(2) Nonresidential and R5 and R6. In the nonresidential and R5 and R6 zoning districts, satellite dishes in excess of ten feet in diameter shall be permitted upon approval of a conditional use in accordance with § 156.30 of this subchapter.
(F) Satellite dish heights. The height of all satellite dish installations shall conform to the following requirements.
(1) Ground mounted.
(a) Residential other than R5 and R6. In residential districts other than R5 and R6, no ground-mounted satellite dish shall be more than 12 feet in height, as measured from the lowest point of the finished grade at the bottom of the base or tower on which it is constructed or installed to the highest point on the satellite dish.
(b) Nonresidential and R5 and R6. In nonresidential and R5 and R6 Districts, ground mounted satellite dish installations in excess of 70 feet in height may be permitted upon approval of a conditional use in accordance with the requirements of § 156.30 of this subchapter.
(2) Roof or wall mounted.
(a) Residential other than R5 and R6. In residential other than R5 and R6 Districts, roof mounted or wall anchored satellite dishes shall not exceed the maximum height restriction for principal structures for the zoning district in which they are located.
(b) Nonresidential and R5 and R5. In all nonresidential and R5 and R6 Districts, roof or wall mounted satellite dishes in excess of 60 feet in height may be permitted upon approval of a variance in accordance with the requirements of § 156.30 of this subchapter.
(c) Roof mounted satellite dishes. Any roof mounted satellite dishes shall be installed so it is not visible between ground level and ten feet above ground level from any street adjoining the property or any abutting residential properties including other multiple-family property in an R5 or R6 District.
(2000 Code, § 15.74.070) (Ord. 2556, § 7, passed - -2001)