(A)   No site development permit or building permit shall be issued until the developer submits a site development plan, together with other submissions required by this chapter, and certifies that any land clearing construction or development involving the movement of earth shall be in accordance with such plan and submissions.
   (B)   Each application for a site development permit shall be made by the owner of the property or his or her authorized agent to the City Engineer and the Director of Public Works for their approval. When grading or plant cover removal is proposed as a part of a building permit application, the site development permit application and the building permit application may be combined, and one plot plan, in the number of copies required by the City Engineer and the Director, may be submitted showing building plans and site development plans. In such instances, a registered land surveyor shall certify as to the accuracy of the existing and proposed contour lines. Each application shall be accompanied by the following:
      (1)   With respect to site development, a vicinity sketch showing acreage of the site, a boundary line survey, zoning, the type of proposed sewer and water facilities and the location of existing utilities, buildings and drains on and within 100 feet of the site, together with a legend and scale. There shall be included on or with the vicinity sketch:
         (a)   A soil map of the subject property showing the predominant soil types on the site;
         (b)   Enough information on those areas abutting or adjacent to the site to show existing drainage patterns and the drainage course that may affect or be affected by the development of the site;
         (c)   The name and address of the developer or owner;
         (d)   The name and address of any consulting firm retained by the applicant, together with the name of the applicant’s principal contact at the firm;
         (e)   Limits of natural floodplains, if any;
         (f)   Areas to be sodded, seeded, mulched or paved;
         (g)   Acreage of area to be vegetatively stabilized, if any; and
         (h)   Areas to be left undisturbed.
      (2)   With respect to site grading, existing topography of the site and a 100-foot adjacent peripheral strip, proposed contours and final grades and street profiles, together with an indication as to what measures will be employed to protect cut and fill slopes from surface runoff;
      (3)   Storm drainage by means of a plan based upon a competent storm drainage study, including a drainage area map and computations, and indicating what conditions now prevail at proposed and natural outlets such as:
         (a)   Whether the drainage course is bare earth or vegetated;
         (b)   Whether the constructed outlet will be in open sun, open shade or dense shade;
         (c)   Whether the natural or proposed outlet is subject to long-term or continuous flow;
         (d)   Whether the existing outlet is actively eroding;
         (e)   Whether there is evidence of a high-water table (permanent or seasonal);
         (f)   Whether the area is subject to seepage or spring flow;
         (g)   The elevation of normal water level in all proposed and natural outlets;
         (h)   A profile below outlet for a sufficient distance to indicate the natural gradient of the accepting natural outlet and/or stream channel;
         (i)   A cross-section and profile of existing stream channels, where applicable; and
         (j)   A ditch design and computations for all seeded, sodded or bare earth outlets, ditches and similar water conduction facilities.
      (4)   An estimated schedule and phasing of development of the site, as follows:
         (a)   The phasing of the development of the site shall be as follows:
            1.   Phase I — Stripping and/or clearing;
            2.   Phase II — Rough grading and construction;
            3.   Phase III — Final grading and vegetative establishment; and
            4.   Phase IV — Maintenance.
         (b)   All erosion and sediment control plans submitted to the City Engineer and the Director of Public Works for approval shall show all erosion and sediment control measures needed to provide protection throughout all phases of construction listed in division (B)(4)(a) of this section. These plans shall also include any off-site borrow and spoil areas, sewer lines, utility lines and haul and access roads, and shall further indicate:
            1.   The start of clearing date;
            2.   The duration of exposure of disturbed areas;
            3.   The installation of temporary sediment control measures (vegetative and structural) by phase and date;
            4.   The installation of storm drainage by phase and date;
            5.   The establishment of permanent vegetative cover (plans will show what will be done to shorten the duration of exposure of disturbed areas as soon after grading as possible), including seeding mixes and rates, type of sod, seedbed preparation, seeding dates, lime and fertilizer application, temporary seedlings, if needed, mulching or similar stabilization procedures;
            6.   Details of all structural sediment control measures; and
            7.   Computations for sediment basins, if any.
   (C)   The standards and requirements of the Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Will-So. Cook County, Illinois, First Edition, as compiled by the Will-So. Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District and approved by the Seven County Regional Planning Commission, are incorporated into this section and made a part of this section by reference for the purpose of exemplifying the considerations and factors which should enter into the preparation or a site development plan.
(2000 Code, § 15.44.060)