(A)   Declaration.
      (1)   The declaration of an “emergency” or “emergency evacuation” shall be the responsibility of the Mayor, or either of the two senior Town Council members in the event of his or her absence, injury or incapacitation.
      (2)   Said declaration must be stated in writing, within 24 hours of the occurrence, and filed with/by the Town Clerk, in accordance with UCA § 53-2a-209.
   (B)   Emergency command center established.
      (1)   The Town Hall is designated as the emergency command center for purposes of this section. It may be activated and staffed under the direction of the Mayor, or assistant primary evacuation contact(s) in the absence of the Mayor, as designated in App. B, attached to the resolution codified herein. As a secondary or alternate resource, the Delta, Utah Stake Center may be used.
      (2)   App. B, attached to the resolution codified herein, must be reviewed and updated in January, annually.
      (3)   The emergency command center will have telephonic capabilities available, and other emergency supplies maintained as the Town Council may deem advisable.
   (C)   Town Council responsibilities.
      (1)   The Mayor is designated as the “primary evacuation contact”, as referenced in this section, and is the individual having the responsibility to be the point of contact to enact this evacuation plan. The Mayor is also in charge of all operations of the emergency command center, when activated, except as provided below. (See App. B, attached to the resolution codified herein.)
      (2)   (a)   The term “assistant primary evacuation contacts” as referenced in this section, are the individuals responsible for assisting the primary evacuation contact in matters pertaining to the town’s Evacuation Plan.
         (b)   The two senior Town Council members are designated as assistant primary evacuation contacts.
         (c)   In the event that the primary evacuation contact or the two senior Council persons are unavailable, or incapacitated, the two junior Town Council members will serve as the assistant primary evacuation contacts.
         (d)   These positions will carry all responsibilities of the primary evacuation contacts, and will be in charge of all operations of the “emergency command center” in the event of the Mayor’s absence.
         (e)   See App. B, attached to the resolution codified herein.
      (3)   All available members of the Town Council shall be responsible for staffing emergency phones at the command center; acting as supervisors of others called in to assist; as well as performing other tasks as assigned by the Mayor, or the assistant primary evacuation contacts. (See App. B, attached to the resolution codified herein.)
      (4)   All persons listed in App. B, attached to the resolution codified herein, are expected to respond at the request of the Town Council to assist in an emergency situation or evacuation. (See App. B, attached to the resolution codified herein.)
      (5)   The “chain”, as outlined in the image below, shall establish the procedure to be followed in emergency evacuations.
      (6)   This plan shall utilize all available resources of the local churches and civic organizations.
(See current list of local bishops, et al., in App. B, attached to the resolution codified herein.)
      (7)   As a general rule, in the event of an emergency evacuation, residents will be directed to the Delta, Utah Stake Center. Depending on the catastrophic event or, in the event the Stake Center is damaged, or unreachable, other gathering places will be announced by the best available local means.
   (D)   References. The term “federal government contact” referenced in this section is an individual serving as the representative for pertinent governmental agencies associated with this Evacuation Plan. This individual will work closely with the town in development and maintenance of this plan and will be available to attend bi-yearly meetings to review the plan, and to answer any questions that arise in the interim: Bureau of Land Management offices, Richfield, Utah.
(Res. 2003-06, passed 3-20-2003)