Any ordinance passed by the Town Council shall contain and be in substantially the following order and form:
   (A)   A number;
   (B)   A title which indicates the nature of the subject matter of the ordinance;
   (C)   A preamble which states the need or reason for the ordinance;
   (D)   An ordaining clause which states “Be it ordained by the Town of Oak City:”;
   (E)   The body or subject of the ordinance;
   (F)   When applicable, a statement indicating the penalty for violation of the ordinance or a reference that the punishment is covered by an ordinance which prescribes the fines and terms of imprisonment for the violation of the town ordinance; or, the penalty may establish a classification of penalties and refer to such ordinance in which the penalty for such violation is established;
   (G)   A statement indicating the effective date of the ordinance or the date when the ordinance shall become effective after publication or posting as required by this section;
   (H)   A line for the signature of the Mayor or Mayor pro tempore to sign the ordinance; and
   (I)   A place for the Town Clerk to attest the ordinance and affix the seal of the town.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-5)