The code of conduct for members of the Town Council and of the town’s boards, committees and commissions is intended to ensure public confidence in the integrity of local government and its effective, open, and fair operation. To this end, the following standards are established.
   (A)   Act in the public interest.  Recognizing that stewardship of the public interest must be their primary concern, members will work for the common good of the people of the town and not for any private or personal interest and they will strive for fair and equal treatment to all persons, claims and transactions coming before the Town Council, boards, committees and commissions.
   (B)   Comply with the law. Members shall comply with the laws of the nation, the state and the town in the performance of their public duties. These laws include, but are not limited to: the United States and Utah Constitutions; the municipal code; laws pertaining to conflicts of interest, election campaigns, financial disclosures, employer responsibilities, and open processes of government; and town policies and procedures.
   (C)   Conduct of members. The professional and personal conduct of members shall strive to be above reproach and avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Members shall refrain from rudeness, disrespectful comments, insults, name-calling, abusive conduct, personal charges or verbal attacks upon the character or motives of other members of the Council, boards, committees and commissions, the staff or public.
   (D)   Respect for process. Members shall perform their duties in accordance with the processes and rules of order as established by the Town Council, board, committees and commissions governing the deliberation of public policy issues, meaningful involvement of the public, and implementation of policy decisions of the Town Council by staff and employees.
   (E)   Conduct of public meetings. Members shall prepare themselves for public issues, listen courteously and attentively to all public discussions before the body, and focus on the business at hand. They shall refrain from interrupting other speakers, making personal comments not germane to the business of the body, or otherwise interfering with the orderly conduct of meetings. Everyone should feel safe in expressing their opinions, views, and concerns. Public outbursts, such as clapping, shouting, and booing during meetings are discouraged.
   (F)   Conflict of interest. In order to ensure their independence and impartiality on behalf of the common good, members shall not use their official positions to influence governmental decisions in which they have a material financial interest, or where they have an organizational responsibility or personal relationship, which may give the appearance of a conflict of interest. Members shall disclose conflicts with investments, interest in real property, sources of income, and gifts without being required to disclose the value of said conflicts; and they shall abstain from participating in deliberations and decision-making where conflicts may exist.
   (G)   Policy role of members. Members shall respect and adhere to the Town Council structure as adopted by ordinance. In this structure, the Town Council determines the policies of the town with the advice, information and analysis provided by the public, boards, committees, commissions, legal counsel and town staff.
   (H)   Independence of boards, committees and commissions. Because of the value of the independent advice of boards, committees, and commissions to the public decision-making process, members of Council shall refrain from using their position to unduly influence the deliberations or outcomes of board, committee, commission, and staff deliberation proceedings.
   (I)   Positive work place environment. Members shall support the maintenance of a positive and constructive work place environment for town employees and for citizens and businesses dealing with the town. Members shall recognize their special role in dealing with town employees and in no way create the perception of inappropriate direction to staff.
   (J)   Compliance and enforcement.
      (1)   The code of conduct is intended to be self-enforcing. It therefore becomes most effective when members are thoroughly familiar with it and embrace its provisions.
      (2)   The code of conduct expresses standards for ethical conduct expected of members of the Town Council, boards, committees, and commissions. Members themselves have the primary responsibility to ensure that ethical standards are understood and met, and that the public can continue to have full confidence in the integrity of government. The Council, the chairs and members of boards, committees, and commissions and the Mayor, have the responsibility to intervene when actions of members appearing to be in violation of the code of conduct are witnessed or brought to their attention. The Town Council by majority vote may also impose sanctions on members whose conduct does not comply with the town’s ethical standards. Sanctions may include:
         (a)   Official verbal reprimand in an open meeting;
         (b)   Formal public letter of censure by the Mayor, chair, or majority of the Council or body;
         (c)   Loss of committee assignment(s);
         (d)   In accordance with UCA §§ 10-3-607 or 52-4-301, or any member of the Council acting in violation of this code of conduct, town code, or town policy and procedures may be removed from meetings; or
         (e)   Other courses of action as they are made available by state statute and legal means and agreed upon by a majority of the Town Council.
(Res. 2021-07, passed 10-21-2021)