§ 154.109  LOTS.
   (A)   Size requirements. All lots shown on the subdivision plat shall conform to the minimum requirements of Ch. 155 of this code of ordinances for the zone in which the subdivision is to be located and to any requirements that may be needed for adequate sewage disposal.
   (B)   Frontage. All lots shall abut a dedicated and improved town street or shall have access to a dedicated and improved street through a private access right-of-way approved by the Planning Commission. Streets shall be improved to the width and in the manner required by the town standards.
   (C)   Lot lines. Lot lines shall be as nearly as possible at right angles with the adjacent street.
   (D)   Remnants of lots. All remnants of lots less than minimum size left over after subdividing a larger tract shall be added to adjacent lots rather than allowed to remain as lot remnants.
   (E)   Further division prohibited. No plat hereinafter approved by the town and recorded in the office of the County Recorder may be further subdivided or split in any manner without having first received approval for an amended plat by the Planning Commission and Town Council. Such plat shall contain the signatures of all owners of record and all contract owners having property within the bounds of the subdivision prior to receiving approval from the town to record the amended plat. Said plat shall comply with all other provisions of this chapter that may be applicable at the time of approval of the amendment. No lot in any recorded subdivision may be further divided or sold off in any manner.
(Prior Code, § 11-6-5)  (Ord. 2001-02, passed 10-3-2001)