(A)   Subdividing land. It shall be unlawful for any person to subdivide, for the purpose of transferring, selling, conveying or assigning any tract or parcel of land which is located wholly or in part within the town, except in compliance with this chapter.
   (B)   Building permits prohibited until approval. It shall be unlawful for any person to receive a building permit until a subdivision plat has been approved and recorded and until approved bonds have been posted guaranteeing installation of all improvements. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued and there shall be no human occupancy of any dwelling or building until all improvements have been accepted by the town and the building and lot fully comply with the subdivision and zoning titles of the town. It shall be unlawful for any developer to sell any lot in any subdivision without advising the buyer that all improvements must be installed before an occupancy permit will be issued.
   (C)   Improved lots. It shall be unlawful to build any residential unit on any lot less than the area required by Ch. 155 of this code of ordinances. All buildings constructed within the town shall have the required frontage on a dedicated, improved street.
   (D)   Scope of application. All lots, plots or tracts of land located within a subdivision shall be subject to this chapter whether the tract is owned by the subdivider or a subsequent purchaser, transferrer or holder of the land.
(Prior Code, § 11-1-3)  (Ord. 2001-02, passed 10-3-2001)