(A)   Age restrictions. No person who is eight years of age or older, but under 16 years of age, may operate, and no owner may give that person permission to operate, an off-highway vehicle on any public land, trail, street or highway of this state unless the person is operating the vehicle under one of the following conditions.
      (1)   He or she is under the direct supervision of a certified off-highway vehicle safety instructor during a scheduled safety training course.
      (2)   He or she has in his or her possession the appropriate safety certificate issued by the Division.
   (B)   Vehicle registration. No person may operate or transport and no owner may give permission to operate or transport any off-highway vehicle on any public land, trail, street or highway in the state unless the off-highway vehicle has been registered by the state for the current year.
   (C)   Use in designated areas. Off-highway vehicles shall be used and operated only on or over such public lands, trails, streets, roads or highways within the town that are designated by this subchapter as open to such vehicle use. Further, to the full extent possible, off-highway vehicles shall be operated only on the outer four feet of asphalt paved roadways or of unimproved gravel or dirt roads within the town limits.
   (D)   Compliance with laws and regulations; speed limit. Off-highway vehicles shall be operated at all times in accordance with all applicable state, county and town laws and regulations, and shall not be operated at speeds in excess of 15 mph on town roadways, and, further, if equipped with a headlight, shall be operated only with the headlight functioning and turned on.
   (E)   Equipment.
      (1)   An off-highway vehicle operated in the town shall be equipped with:
         (a)   Brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and hold the vehicle under normal operating conditions;
         (b)   Headlights and taillights when operated between sunset and sunrise;
         (c)   Noise control devices; and
         (d)   A safety flag when operated on sand dunes.
      (2)   Anyone under 18 years of age operating an off-highway vehicle on the streets of the town is required to wear properly fitted, safety rated headgear.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-2)  (Ord. 1997-01, passed 12-18-1997)  Penalty, see § 10.99