If one or more members of a board or commission of the City is/are prevented from physically attending a regular or special meeting of the board or commission because of:
   (A)   Personal illness or disability;
   (B)   Employment purposes or the business of the City; or
   (C)   Family or other emergency;
and provided that a quorum of the board or commission is physically present at the meeting, the members of the board or commission may, by a majority vote, allow the board member(s) or commissioner(s) who is/are prevented from physically attending the meeting to participate and vote by audio or video conference, provided that the board member(s) or commissioner(s) who is/are prevented from physically attending a board or commission meeting notifies the clerk or secretary of the board or commission in advance of the meeting of the reason why the board member(s) or commissioner(s) is/are prevented from physically attending the board or commission meeting, unless advance notice is impractical. When the secretary or clerk of the board or commission has received the required notice from the board member(s) or commissioners) who is/are prevented from physically attending the meeting, the secretary or clerk of the board or commission shall, at the commencement of the meeting, announce to the board or commission the receipt of the notice, the identity of the board member(s) or commissioner(s) who notified the secretary or clerk of the board or commission, and the reason why the board member(s) or commissioner(s) is/are prevented from physically attending the board or commission meeting as set forth in the notice. Provided that a quorum of the board or commission is physically present at the meeting, the presiding officer at the board or commission meeting shall thereupon call for a vote on the question of permitting the board member(s) or commissioner(s) who is/are prevented from physically attending the meeting to participate and vote by audio or video conference. The vote to permit the board member or commissioner to participate in a closed meeting by audio or video conference shall be made in the open portion of the meeting. The minutes of the meeting shall identify the board member or commissioner participating in the meeting by audio or video conference.
(Ord. 20-9, passed 3-31-20)