(A)   All registrations shall be filed annually, and shall terminate on the last day of April of the following year unless revoked prior thereto.
   (B)   At least 30 days prior to the date of expiration of a registration, each registrant desiring to perform work within the city after last day of April of the current registration year shall be required to submit to the City Clerk or his or her designee a renewal registration application and the applicable registration fee. If a renewal registration application and fee are not received on or before May 1st of the renewal year, the registration shall expire; and the previously registered general contractor, public utility contractor or trade contractor shall discontinue work within the city on the date of expiration and shall not perform work within the city until a renewal application is processed and a new registration is issued by the city. If a registrant whose registration has expired hereunder seeks to reinstate the registration after May 1st of the renewal year, a late fee shall be charged equal to 10% of the annual fee for such registration, or $10, whichever is greater.
   (C)   Renewal of a registration shall be processed pursuant to the procedures for processing applications set forth in § 120.06. When a renewal is denied, the applicant shall not be issued a registration for one year after the date of the denial, provided that, if subsequent to the denial, the city finds that the basis for denying renewal of the registration has been corrected or abated, the applicant may be granted a registration.
(Ord. 14-10, passed 2-25-14)